Clinical Blogs
7 Ways to Improve Memory
Keep your brain active Sleep well Socialize regularly Keep yourself organized Moderate exercise – increase blood flow to brain Eat healthy – feed your brain cells with good nutrients and adequate amount of water Take good care of yourself Are you doing all the above to keep your brain exercising everyday?
Which Coenzyme Q10 is better? Ubiquinol vs Traditional CoQ10 (Ubiquinone)
Which Coenzyme Q10 is better? Ubiquinol vs Traditional CoQ10 (Ubiquinone) Ubiquinone and Ubiquinol are different forms of CoQ10. Traditional Ubiquinone is the oxidized form of CoQ10 with which more people are familiar, but new research is finding Ubiquinol to be the more effective supplement. In the body, CoQ10 must be converted to its usable form, Ubiquinol, to provide antioxidant protection and generate cellular energy. This creates a healthier immune system and a healthier cardiovascular system. Like most molecules in your body, CoQ10 has a number of different functions. It is the limiting factor in making the ATP or fuel for...
Healthy Lifestyle, Diet and Optimal Supplementation Can Prevent Fatty Liver
What is Fatty Liver? Excess amount of fat cells start to build up in the liver and can cause liver failure. It can be caused by chronic overuse of alcohol (1%) and obesity. It is a silent killer! People at risk at ones with metabolic syndrome, diabetes, central obesity, high blood pressure, high triglyceride level, age between 45-65 years old, chronic exposure to toxic chemicals such as pesticides or on medication like amiodarone (regulate heart rate) all can increase the risk. Among all factors, overweight is the most common cause linked to fatty liver. There is no medical treatment for...
Methylcobalamin Form of Vitamin B12 Should be Chosen Over Cyanocobalamin Form
Both methylcobalamin B12 and cyanocobalamin B12 are vitamin b12 form on the market. What are their differences and which one should one choose? Cyanocobalamin is the most commonly supplemented form of vitamin B12 because it is the most air-stable, easiest to crystallize, and simpler to purify. However, it is an inactive form of vitamin B12 which requires conversion by the body to the usable active form - methylcobalamin. Since cyanocobalamin cannot be found naturally in the human body, cyanocobalamin is considered as the more “synthetic” form of B12. Because every person’s body has a different rate and competency of conversion,...
Common Health Myths and Facts
There are a lot of facts and myths surrounding the topic of health. Let’s talk about some of them. Myth: Many people are overweight because we absorb too much nutrients from our food. Fact: We eat a lot of ‘empty calories’ foods which are deficient in nutrients. Myth: I eat a balanced diet every day, so I get enough nutrients from food. Fact: Due to massive production, soil depletion, and overuse of chemical fertilizers, the nutrients of our food have been significantly reduced. Nutrients are lost due to transportation, refrigeration, and cooking. Lots of foods are being processed. Myth: My body detoxifies well...