Losing weight is one of the most popular New Year’s resolution. Gaining weight is easy, but losing the extra pounds in a healthy way is challenging. Eating healthy and regular exercise are important aspects of keeping fit and healthy. However, it is not uncommon to hear comments like ‘I have been eating healthy and doing regular exercise but I don’t lose a pound,’ or ‘I lost but I gained the weight back!’
There are different methods of weight loss regimen on the market. Many people are CONFUSED about weight loss drops, thinking they are equivalent to HCG.
HCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone. HCG comes in injectables, pills and also sublingual drops form. While one is on HCG program, a very restrictive diet of only 500-700 calories needs to be followed. Our clinical team DOES NOT recommend HCG program for weight loss as it is hormone and the HCG diet is unhealthy. Potential adverse effects include breast tenderness, water retention, headaches, fatigue, irritability, and abdominal discomfort. It can also cause ovarian over stimulation syndrome includes ovarian tenderness, nausea and vomiting. More serious adverse effects include dizziness, dark urine, severe abdominal pain and could be life threatening.
For speedy and healthy weight loss, our clinical team recommends Hormone Free EzFit weight loss drops. It contains 12 clinically proven homeopathic ingredients that work synergistically together in 4 ways to enhance fat loss in a safe and effective way:
- To enhance your fat burning ability
- To support the elimination of fat and toxins from your body
- To detoxify your body
- To curb your appetite
EzFit weight loss system targets stubborn fat stores in belly, hip and thigh. EzFit diet allows daily intake of 1200 to 1300 calories. This gives you a wide selection of food choices such as steak, seafood, lamb, chicken, vegetables and fruits. No more starving but feeling satisfied. Besides losing weight, EzFit also offers bonus benefit in detoxifying your body. It is such a simple program which everyone can do it - losing weight while improving the metabolism.
"Achieving your target weight goal is not difficult. Your fitness goals are just a few drops away.""
Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine 2005
Chow, Bf, Stone HH. The Relationship of Vitamin B12 to Carbohydrate Metabolism and Diabetes Mellitus. (ajcn.nutrition.org)