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Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Among all the vitamins, vitamin D is one of the vitamins continue to have ongoing research and shown to be beneficial in various health conditions. Recent study involving a group of patients with migraine headache (age between 10 to 61 years old) took vitamin D 50,000units weekly for 10 weeks has been shown to reduce the severity, duration and frequency of headache. The study group was small but result is promising.

Study also shows low vitamin D levels were associated with higher risk of heart failure, and stroke. Vitamin D also offers potential cancer-fighting benefits too.

Don't forget to eat food that are rich in vitamin D. That include fish, seafood, dairy products, mushroom, egg, tofu. Vitamin D supplementation is also an option for a lot of people too.

Stay tune for more update on vitamin D in the future. We will keep you posted.


J Res Med Sci. 2015 May; 20(5): 477–482.

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